Wow - thanks for the update on General Conference! Sounds like you really loved it! Nice summary Mom! ha-ha I haven't seen it yet! Oh well, I will get to see it next week. I have been looking forward to watching it for some time now. It will be nice to listen to some inspired talks for 2 days straight.
Also, Saturday is my birthday and I can't wait for that. We're going to do something really stupid and spend 400 ($10) on meals at a fancy restaurant called Ginasal. It is all you can eat and food from around the world, daw (that's what we have been told).
Mom, you never liked watching me play badminton? Must be the case if you didn't enjoy Tori's badminton tournament! :)
Tomorrow I have some splits with my zone leaders which should be interesting and then on Wednesday we have zone meeting for this transfer. With General Conference on the weekend I don't see much time to work this week other then Thursday and Friday. Oh well, hopefully we don't get in too much trouble! :)
Wow, it is almost Mother's day! Guess I will have to figure out what time to skype you on that day. I think we get to Skype on Monday so it can reach you on your Sunday.
Well I had an okay week other then the heat. I am drinking tons of water but for whatever reason I got really sick again. I never got sick back at home. On my mission (including the MTC) I have been sick 4 times now. It must be just the different climate. I never feel over-stressed or anything like that and I always get at least 7 hours of sleep (some days we have to wake up earlier). Hope I can figure it out!! :(
Dad - you asked about President Peterson. He has definitely left his mark on the San Pablo Mission. Apparently, the last mission president was very relaxed. He let elders watch Disney movies on P-day and stuff like that. When President Peterson got here he completely changed everything. He is pretty strict but it is his mission and I will follow the rules that he sets. An example of one of the rules he set is for music and it is that if the music is inappropriate for the chapel, it is inappropriate for your apartment so I had to delete all my church songs other then Tabernacle choir music :(. One of his quotes is "we're not YSA" so no EFY music or anything like that. Another really memorable quote is "do you know bawal (the rules)?". He uses that one all the time ha-ha. Oh well, actually he is leaving soon, I think the beginning of June - so that will be interesting to see what the new Mission President will be like. I wonder how they train Mission presidents.
Elder Nielson
That is awesome that there was a lot of non-members at church. The most me and Elder Richards have managed to get to church is 6 and that was pure luck. We're having troubles with our teaching pool lately and we're going to drop several investigators I think. We would love some prayers from home about finding some "good" new faces :).
Well, I am running out of time so I love you lots and I hope you have a great week. Thanks for the Emails - love you lots :)

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