Monday, August 10, 2015

Changes in the Office!

So you liked the little video I made for the family reunion? :) In the video I pretty much just greeted all of you and wished you all good luck with the family reunion and than to top it all off I said I was really excited to see all of you again in a couple of months. 
Well I had a really great week. It was so hard and challenging but my companion and I are really changing the office. My last companion didn't believe the office could be any different than it already was so we weren't able to change anything. This week we had meetings, filter runs, and lots of odd jobs but we were able to go tracting and teaching. We found several new investigators and have dozens of potentials. Mark 10:27 really is a true scripture. Being here in the office really requires me to work harder then I ever have before on my mission. It also requires me to effectively plan out every hour. I worry though, about my companion. I feel like I may be killing him right now. I hope I am not haha. My companion is having to make some big changes in his mission right now but he is doing an incredible job. I just hope I don't burn him out too fast. The APs are being a big help as well in supporting us in our work and we have been trying to support them well in their work. They are kind of in the same situation as we are. I know that with the work that Elder Benosa and I are putting into the office we will see some big miracles before I leave this place. 
I can't believe Chase and Jaxson are already leaving on their missions! I have gifts for both of them but I guess I can mail it to them after my mission. 
I will be back in the house only a month or so after Kenzie leaves to Lethbridge. Hey I guess I probably won't even get to see her at the airport because it will be in the middle of a school week when I get back home, right? I better stop talking about stuff like that before I make you guys too trunky ha-ha.  
Well I hope things at home continue to go just as good as they having been going. 
Love you lots!

Hey Dad! 
Pretty cool story you sent me about the tornado you saw up close in Foremost! That's too bad that you weren't able to get those pictures ha-ha. That probably was a once in a life time opportunity if you're that close to a tornado. Tornado in Tagalog is buhawi but I don't know why they have a word for it because there is no such thing as a tornado here in the Philippines. Everyone here always says how scary it must be to have tornadoes and stuff back in Alberta and I always say the Typhoons are way scarier than tornadoes. 
Well good luck and be safe with that little mini vacation you and Mom have planned. That will be very fun for you two.
I think it is just awesome that the missionaries just love it back at home. I don't think once in the whole history of Rosemary did a mission president ever visit our town. That is super cool. I am glad that he had a good time at the baptism. Well thanks for the email.
Love you lots.

Elder Nielson 

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